
Erhalten : Es handelt sich um alle Innovationen, die über das Online-Formular bei Team for the Planet eingereicht wurden

Introduce the consumer to truly green products

Submission date 10. November 2021 Founders Gianluca Ballerini Entwicklungsort Caslano

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

The innovation would allow consumers to understand which products / companies are actually sustainable and which have embarked on a path of carbon reduction, thus allowing the latter to accelerate their growth and diffusion in the market. Globally it would mean having fewer CO2 emissions

Wie wird es gelöst?

Zerocarbontarget is a certification scheme that certifies the reduction of CO2 emissions through the application of a specification that starts from ISO 14064 and ISO 14067. Upon reaching the targets, it issues a label that certifies the achieved and certified result.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

Any company / product or even service. Zerocarbontarget also certifies carbon neutral events

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

- EU registered certification mark - regulated by a specification - has intermediate targets - the certification audit takes place through a third party (e.g. Bureau Veritas) - the targets must be reached through direct interventions and not only with offset