
Otrzymane : są to wszystkie innowacje oferowane Team for the Planet poprzez formularz zgłoszeniowy innowacji.

Nature based solutions with digital traceability and monitoring.

Data przedłożenia 16 maja 2022 Założyciele Mattia Curmà Miejsce rozwoju Padova

Projekt w szczegółach

Uwaga: ten formularz jest wypełniany w całości przez osoby proponujące innowację.

Jaki problem został rozwiązany?

Tree growth and survival are key to obtain ecosystemic effects. Only 18% of ecosystem restoration programs and nature based solutions, are subject to any sort of monitoring. Sustainable Development Goals are not met and ecosystem services provided by forests are not directly paid for.

W jaki sposób został rozwiązany?

A data-driven digital application connecting corporate and businesses with global nature-based solutions, using proof of planting and proof of growth to drive, results, transparency and reliability, while financially rewarding these activities to the direct beneficiaries: local communities.

Kim są potencjalni klienci?

B2B market - 1) Corporate directors, title in Sustainability, ESG or CSR, with the ability to proactively decide feasibility. 2) Marketing specialists/directors that wants to generate PR interest. Decision maker with yearly budgets.

Czym różni się to rozwiązanie?

We capture all trees with a dedicated mobile app shortly after planting for proof-of-planting, and monitor their growth over time for proof-of-survival. Captures are stored in an open-source digital ledger, unique IDs are assigned to every tree. Our data-driven dashboard track various KPIs, including CO2 sequestration. We use visual recognition & ML models to produce indicators such as species.