AEN+ (Agua+ENergía)

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The combination in the AEN+ Oasis of tried and tested systems such as water pumps, photovoltaic panels, water collection and storage in reservoirs, drip irrigation and transport to the arid areas of the planet can bring about a real environmental revolution.

Zastosowana dźwignia działania
Zero emissions
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Data przedłożenia 5 września 2021 Założyciele Isidro Gómez Miejsce rozwoju Hiszpania

Projekt w szczegółach

Uwaga: ten formularz jest wypełniany w całości przez osoby proponujące innowację.

Jaki problem został rozwiązany?

The global water shortage and sustainable energy generation. The fight against hunger, poverty and desertification. To be able to plant trees with guaranteed irrigation. To have water to irrigate crops all year round. Recover abandoned fields. Could we avoid social conflicts as a consequence of having water?

W jaki sposób został rozwiązany?

Managing and controlling the resources available to us in the planet's arid areas. Collecting rainwater in areas with a minimum rainfall of 70 l/m2/year and storing it in tanks. In addition, the installation can grow in an orderly manner, so we will have more water and more electricity the more it grows. Managing aquifers, collecting rainwater from photovoltaic plants. Preventing floods from being so aggressive and destructive with the installation of drainage areas.

Kim są potencjalni klienci?

Mainly the governments of those rich or poor countries that have large areas of arid zones. There are more than 25 million km2 where thousands of small ecosystems could be created and millions of trees could be planted and irrigated. Famine could be avoided and the environment could be helped, with global coordination and collaboration between these countries and the UN.

Czym różni się to rozwiązanie?

Total autonomy of the installation, we would have water and energy to generate life in those areas where survival is at the limit. We could grow crops and plant trees with guaranteed irrigation, provide electricity to completely isolated and depressed areas. We could generate illusion and hope where there is only dry land and poverty, which is also the seed of many conflicts and migrations.