Pyleecan software

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A flexible, open-source, unified modelling framework for electrical machines under Python

Data przedłożenia 30 listopada 2021 Założyciele Jean Le Besnerais Miejsce rozwoju Lille, France

Projekt w szczegółach

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Jaki problem został rozwiązany?

Electrical machines are present in some key sustainable technologies such as generators and electric traction motors. However, there is no open-source software to optimize the efficiency of such technologies.

W jaki sposób został rozwiązany?

Pyleecan is the first open source software dedicated to the multiphysic modelling and optimization of electrical machines under Python free programming language.

Kim są potencjalni klienci?

Pyleecan can be used by all small companies who do not have the budget to pay commercial licences of electric machine design software. Pyleecan can be used by research laboratories for accelerated innovation and more reproducible science.

Czym różni się to rozwiązanie?

Pyleecan provides powerful topological exploration capabilities through object oriented modelled. It includes a Graphical User Interface, the possibility to couple it to multiphysic solvers, and tutorial documented under Jupyter Notebooks.