Wise System

Erhalten : Es handelt sich um alle Innovationen, die über das Online-Formular bei Team for the Planet eingereicht wurden

Empowering Comprehensive Sustainability Alignment and Implementation

Der erwünschte Hebeleffekt
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Submission date 8. September 2023 Founders Lotfi Kaabi Entwicklungsort Toulouse, Frankreich

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

The Wise System addresses the problem/need of navigating the complex landscape of environmental, social, and economic responsibilities in a world where sustainability is not just a goal but a necessity.

Wie wird es gelöst?

It supports organizations by aligning sustainability objectives, conducting evidence-based assessments, tailoring recommendations, and guiding actionable implementation. This streamlined process, coupled with transparent reporting, fosters ongoing progress towards sustainability goals.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

Our versatile solution targets a broad spectrum of organizations, including private sector corporations, SMEs, government agencies, iNGOs, sustainability professionals, investors, and supply chain partners.

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

Our solution differentiates itself by offering an affordable, comprehensive, user-friendly, and adaptable solution that streamlines sustainability management throughout an organization with dedicated tools, making it a unique choice for holistic sustainability management. It stands out for its versatility, allowing organizations to integrate several sustainability standards seamlessly.