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CONTINEWM® nets allow you to save up to 25% on your heating/cooling energy consumption

Der erwünschte Hebeleffekt
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Submission date 14. September 2023 Founders Hubert TREVISAN Entwicklungsort Valencia, Japan

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

1- CONTINEWM® nets reduce the energy consumption of any HVAC systems and their CO2 emissions related to. 2- CONTINEWM® nets improve the indoor air quality.

Wie wird es gelöst?

1- CONTINEWM® nets optimise the heat exchanger for smoother air flow. The working load of the heat exchangers is reduced and compressors are resting longer. 2- CONTINEWM® nets contain rare natural earth materials that neutralize electrostatic charges of PM2,5 and PM10.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

The bullet point of CONTINEWM® nets is that is designed for multiple applications: offices, cold chain logistics, retailers, schools, hospitals, hotels, restaurants...

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

CONTINEWM® nets is a low tech product that reduce energy consumption when solar panels produce energy but don´t reduce the use of it