Green Minerals

Recibidas : Estas son todas las innovaciones que Team for the Planet ha recibido a través de su formulario de presentación de innovaciones

the answer to the question for urgent but responsible action

Submission date 3 de octubre de 2021 Founders Dimitris Symeonidis Development location Den Haag

Detailed project

NB: this form is filled entirely by the ones submitting the innovation.

What is the issue addressed?

Absorbing carbon within minerals permanently, works excellently near CO2 hotspots. It is abundant in South Europe and I believe I can make the revolution start from Greece. Green Minerals is operating in Netherlands and I am going to contact them.

How is the problem solved?

Cement and polymers industry, also paper and agriculture have huge emissions. By incorporating carbon absorbing minerals like olivine we mitigate a very big part of that and it has huge potential as there are vast resources in some countries.

What is the customer target?

Cement industry, paper industry, polymer industry, farmers

How is this solution different?

Significantly lower, up to 100%, of CO2 emissions, in highly emitting industries.