Green Minerals

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the answer to the question for urgent but responsible action

Date de soumission 3 octobre 2021 Fondateurs Dimitris Symeonidis Lieu de développement Den Haag

Le projet en détails

NB : cette fiche est intégralement remplie par les personnes proposant l’innovation.

Quel est le problème résolu ?

Absorbing carbon within minerals permanently, works excellently near CO2 hotspots. It is abundant in South Europe and I believe I can make the revolution start from Greece. Green Minerals is operating in Netherlands and I am going to contact them.

Comment est-il résolu ?

Cement and polymers industry, also paper and agriculture have huge emissions. By incorporating carbon absorbing minerals like olivine we mitigate a very big part of that and it has huge potential as there are vast resources in some countries.

Qui sont les clients potentiels ?

Cement industry, paper industry, polymer industry, farmers

En quoi cette solution est-elle différente ?

Significantly lower, up to 100%, of CO2 emissions, in highly emitting industries.