Blue Greece

Erhalten : Es handelt sich um alle Innovationen, die über das Online-Formular bei Team for the Planet eingereicht wurden

Democratizing water and replacing plastic bottles by global and local community actions.

Submission date 8. November 2021 Founders Simon Meyer Entwicklungsort Athens

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

Plastic water bottles are transported long distance. Even small Greek islands need millions of bottles per year. Water is privatized, water technology is privatized. Thirst exists. The current frames for innovation in Solar Water Technology are too narrow & disconnected.

Wie wird es gelöst?

Already more than 50 contributors have shaped the attached concept. Radically open innovation can bring Solar Drinking Water and local social beverage businesses to reality. The time is now to create an Open Source Ecosystem realized by local manufacturing.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

Beneficiaries are communities under water-stress with solar energy. Paying clients are people consuming the beverages. Contributors are anyone from any discipline in the world who is passionate about contributing to water.

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

Steward-ownership, Open Source Hardware & Entrepreneurship, Interconnecting disciplines, Positive Branding, Social Beverage Business for revenues and empowerment. Unified development of solutions: location of innovation close to application.